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Bagan People

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accident.JPG (167 KB) trishaw.JPG (99 KB) Laymyethnarguide.JPG (118 KB) Gubyauknge.JPG (154 KB) Tun Tun.JPG (101 KB) MakingCheroots.JPG (106 KB) GoldenVillage.JPG (202 KB)
Accident Nina Drives Laymyethnar Gubyauknge Tun Tun Cheroots Bicycling

SuzSuz.JPG (79 KB)

AyeAyeAung.JPG (67 KB)

Lunch.JPG (64 KB)

San San Win.JPG (115 KB)

San Thi Dar.JPG (186 KB)

Lacquerware plate.JPG (189 KB)
Plum Woman Aye Aye Aung Lunch San San Win San Thi Dar Lacquerware

painter.JPG (203 KB)

Than Htike Paints.JPG (169 KB)

ThanHtike.JPG (56 KB)

scratching.JPG (104 KB)

camerastrap.JPG (196 KB)

Kidssurround.JPG (201 KB)
Days of the Week Than Htike Than Htike Scratching Design Camera Strap Kids & Nina