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Saldanha Bay

Click on a thumbnail to see the photo enlarged

Saldanha chart (44 KB)

Ship-Entering (116 KB)

Jutten-Island (144 KB)

Dresses-Boats (167 KB)

SBYC-boats (148 KB)

Yachtport (166 KB)
Saldanha Bay Ship Entering Jutten Island Fishing Boats SBYC Yachtport

Skaapeiland-Island (103 KB)

Zebras-Ostriches (173 KB)

Bontebok (180 KB)

Bat-eared-Fox (196 KB)

Springbok-Duo (191 KB)

Lagoon-end (108 KB)

Flamingoes1 (168 KB)
Skaapeiland Island Zebras & Ostriches Bontebok Bat-eared Fox Springbok Lagoon Flamingoes

Walkers (139 KB)

White-Daisies (173 KB)

Yellow-Daisies (120 KB)

Nina-Jerry (196 KB)

Weaver (108 KB)

Heron (150 KB)

Breaker (150 KB)
Walkers White Daisies Yellow Daisies Nina & Jerry Weaver Heron Breaker