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Ko Phayam

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Map.JPG (35 KB) pier.JPG (164 KB) temple.JPG (186 KB) Buddha.JPG (134 KB) sandpipers.JPG (189 KB) HippyBar.JPG (200 KB) road.JPG (66 KB)
Island Map Main Pier Buddhist Temple Buddha Sandpipers Hippy Bar Road
CashewGrove.JPG (221 KB)
CashewFruit.JPG (124 KB)

CashewGathering.JPG (152 KB)

CashewCutting.JPG (141 KB)

CashewDrying.JPG (136 KB)

CashewCracker.JPG (75 KB)

BananaShore.JPG (111 KB)
Cashew Grove Cashew Fruit Gathering Cashews Cutting Cashews Drying Cashews Cashew Cracker Banana Resort

RubberTap.JPG (83 KB)

PetrolPump.JPG (84 KB)

AoyJay.JPG (212 KB)

UliAnnette.JPG (110 KB)

JanThomas.JPG (214 KB)

Bougainvillaea.JPG (237 KB)

Jackfruit.JPG (126 KB)
Rubber Tap Petrol Pump Aoy & Jay Uli & Annette Thomas & Jan Bougainvillaea Jackfruit