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Trek from Kalaw to Inle Lake

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oilplants (176 KB) firewood tree (129 KB) terraces (206 KB) Rice Fields (50 KB) Harri books (189 KB) Bamboo Bridge (66 KB) road repair (193 KB)
Oil Plants Firewood Tree Terraces Rice Fields Giving Books Bamboo Bridge Road Repair

rinsing dust (123 KB)

Chapati maker (178 KB)

Ludwig Claudia (181 KB)

Lunch (95 KB)

Unpacking (53 KB)
Rinsing Dust Chapati Maker Ludwig & Claudia Lunch Monastery Bed

Harry Nina (188 KB)

Overnight (82KB)

Rough Road (106 KB)

Ester Jerry Artesia (64 KB)

Eeva Jacky (122 KB)

Trekkers (160 KB)
Harri & Nina House Owner Rough Road Snack Break On the Trail Trekkers