Jerry's Cruising Poems

The Passionate Sailor to His Love

Come sail with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
Of trade wind cruising, atoll sands,
And friendly folk in distant lands.

We'll meet some honest fisher folk
With traps and nets and painted boats,
And birds will sing through our daydreams
On dinghy trips up lazy streams.

You'll never need a woolen gown,
Just cotton tops and shorts for town,
While on the boat you'll wear much less,
Perhaps a pareau when we've guests.

In tropic climes aboard our boat
Good sunblock will be all your coat,
Your neck will gleam with shells on threads,
And for your wrists I'll braid Turk's Heads.

You'll never miss the city crowd
Whose ways are pushy, crude and loud,
We'll live in quiet gentleness,
With every word a sweet caress.

And we will visit little isles,
Share with the locals friendly smiles,
Learn to thank in many tongues,
Try sundown drinks with different rums.

And I will keep you safe, in health
More valuable than greater wealth,
No television in our lives,
We'll see the world with open eyes.

We'll travel more than seven seas,
And pick ripe fruit from tropic trees
While wand'ring off the beaten paths
And sharing fun with many laughs.

We'll snorkel coral gardens gay
To watch the gorgeous fish at play.
We'll see the sunset flash its green,
And other marvels seldom seen.

The seabirds soaring in the sky
Won't be more free than you and I.
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then sail with me and be my love.

Readers of old English poetry may recognize this as a parody of the famous poem The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe published in 1600. That poem was immediately “answered” by a poem perhaps written by Sir Walter Raleigh plus another in the same publication and it has been echoed by many other poets since that time. Some readers may think the first two lines and the last two lines have poor rhymes, but maybe the words were pronounced differently 400 years ago. Jerry had fun making this cruising poem in the same style and even using some of the same words as the original.

Click to read The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, by Christopher Marlowe

Click to read The Nymph's Reply, perhaps by Sir Walter Raleigh

Click to read Another of the Same Nature, Made Since, Anonymous

Click to read The Bait, by John Donne

Click to read To Phyllis, by Robert Herrick

Click to read Le Navigateur Amoureux à Sa Belle, a translation of Jerry's poem into French by Jean Migrenne