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Loh Island

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John Family (57 KB) Chief Isaac (61 KB) Thatching (85 KB) Looking at Photos (50 KB) Trees Killed (65 KB) David Andrew Rows (59 KB)
John's Family Paramount Chief Thatching a Roof Looking at Photos Killed by Salt David Andrew

Laplap Cutters (40 KB)

David Andrew Family (61 KB)

Village Drum (47 KB)

Annette (66 KB)

Birthday Cake (55 KB)

Cake (62 KB)
Laplap Cutters David Andrew Village Drum Annette & Banas Nina's Birthday Jerry With Cake

Sack of Crabs (80 KB)

Coconut Crab (69 KB)

Crab With Pen (66 KB)

Crab Cooked (49 KB)

Crab Loose (84 KB)
Sack of Crabs Coconut Crab Coconut Crab Cooked Crab Loose Crab