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Birds of Botswana - Group 1

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Red-billed-Francolin (194 KB)

Brown-hooded-Kingfisher (106 KB)

Grey-headed-Kingfisher (120 KB)

Blue-cheeked-Bee-eater-juv (174 KB)

Little-Bee-eater (127 KB)

Carmine-Bee-eater (93 KB)

Swallow (146 KB)
Red-billed Francolin Brown-hooded Kingfisher Grey-headed Kingfisher Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Little Bee-eater Carmine Bee-eater Swallow

Red-billed-Hornbills (159 KB)

Grey-Hornbill (109 KB)

Ground-Hornbill-byJen (95 KB)

Ground-Hornbill (115 KB)

Ground-Hornbill-flying-byJen (94 KB)

Burchell-Starling (104 KB)

red-billed-Oxpecker (144 KB)
Red-billed Hornbills Grey-Hornbill Ground Hornbill Ground Hornbill Ground Hornbill Burchell's Starling Red-billed Oxpecker

Darter (167 KB)

Spur-winged-Goose (190 KB)

Sacred-Ibis (201 KB)

Jacana (209 KB)

Marabou-Storks (199 KB)

Open-billed-Stork (197 KB)
African Darter Spur-winged Goose Sacred Ibis Jacana Marabou Storks Open-billed Stork