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Visit of Dorothy and Dan to Penang in 2010

Click on a thumbnail to see the photo enlarged

DandD.JPG (113 KB) FortCornwallis.JPG (232 KB) Cemetery.JPG (120 KB) CheahKongsi.JPG (127 KB) KuanYin.JPG (138 KB) KekLokSi.JPG (206 KB) KhooKongsi.JPG (195 KB)
D and D Fort Cornwallis Cemetery Cheah Kongsi Kuan Yin Kek Lok Si Khoo Kongsi


HillTemple.JPG (131 KB)

Thaipusam.JPG (59 KB)

DescendingCrowd.JPG (146 KB)

Whispering.JPG (105 KB)

Garuda.JPG (131 KB)

FourDiners.JPG (107 KB)
Smashing Coconuts Hill Temple Thaipusam Coming Down Whispering Garuda Seafood

Buses.JPG (206 KB)

WaterMonitor.JPG (219 KB)

CanopyWalkway.JPG (92 KB)

Swimmers.JPG (185 KB)

DuskyLangur.JPG (134 KB)

TiredFeet.JPG (214 KB)

CannonballTree.JPG (237 KB)
Buses Water Monitor Canopy Walkway Swimmers Dusky Langur Tired Feet Cannonball Tree