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Slow Boat down Mekong River

Click on a thumbnail to see the photo enlarged

HuayXai.JPG (137 KB) Longboat.JPG (148 KB) BroomsTraps.JPG (154 KB) CanoeBuilders.JPG (142 KB) ThatchRoofVillage.JPG (186 KB)
Huay Xai Longboat Brooms & Baskets Canoe Builders Thatch Roof Village

laundrycellphone.JPG (109 KB)

kidvendors.JPG (191 KB)

Monks.JPG (143 KB)

Pakbeng.JPG (130 KB)

Panning.JPG (139 KB)
Laundry & Cellphone Kid Vendors Monks Pakbeng Panning

OurBoat.JPG (84 KB)

Fence.JPG (112 KB)

ChannelMarkers.JPG (94 KB)

Rapids.JPG (99 KB)

ScarfVendor.JPG (84 KB)

Disembarking.JPG (123 KB)
Our Boat Fences Channel Marker Rapids Scarf Vendor Disembarking