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Bali, Indonesia

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rice fields.JPG (172 KB) meatball soup.JPG (167 KB) bombing scene.JPG (191 KB) surfing.JPG (121 KB) local food testers.JPG (148 KB) double Ikat weaver.JPG (162 KB) dancer.JPG (165 KB)
Rice Fields Bakso Soup Bomb Scene Surfing Food Test Ikat Dancer
prayers.JPG (160 KB) sculpture.JPG (176 KB) offerings on head.JPG (193 KB) Jerry Nina.JPG (199 KB) demon sculptures.JPG (177 KB) shrine.JPG (165 KB) Sea god statue.JPG (178 KB)
Praying Street Watcher Head Offerings Temple Tourists Old Demons Gossips Sea God Guard
bringing offerings.JPG (201 KB) Sea god temple.JPG (154 KB) temple towers.JPG (172 KB) Mother Temple.JPG (151 KB) offering table.JPG (176 KB) main courtyard.JPG (145 KB) offering.JPG (197 KB)
Bringing Offerings Sea God Temple Temple Towers Mother Temple Worship Temple Towers Rice & Offerings