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Arrival & Aboard Arctracer

Click on a thumbnail to see the photo enlarged

Arrival Group.JPG (83 KB) Jennifer in Cockpit.JPG (20 KB) Visitors On Deck.JPG (45 KB) Steph Nico.JPG (25 KB) Steph Lychees.JPG (47 KB)
Arrival Jennifer All Aboard Nico & Steph Steph & Lychees

Antonio Lifejacket.JPG (40 KB)

Antonio in flippers with Nico.JPG (80 KB)

Antonio Nina Blowing Out Candles.JPG (45 KB)

Antonio in New Clothes.JPG (46 KB)

Nina In the Galley.JPG (24 KB)
Antonio Brothers Nina's 60th! New Clothes Chef Nina

Nico Jerry Antonio at Helm.JPG (38 KB)

Steph at Helm.JPG (90 KB)

Steph Journal.JPG (142 KB)

Nico Up Mast.JPG (44 KB)

Antonio with Drinking Nut.JPG (45 KB)
Three Boys Steph Steers Writing Journal Nico Aloft Drinking Nut