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Bundala Wetland and Birds

Click on a thumbnail to see the photo enlarged

Mugger.JPG (209 KB)
Macaque.JPG (131 KB) circus.JPG (139 KB)
rabbit.JPG (206 KB)
mother-and-baby.JPG (130 KB) Langur.JPG (138 KB)
beach.JPG (209 KB)
Mugger Crocodile Macaque Lemur Circus Rabbit Mother & Baby Grey Lemur Beach & Boats
Ashy-crowned-Sparrow-lark.JPG (157 KB) black-head.JPG (112 KB) Black-Headed-Ibis.JPG (186 KB) Black-Robin.JPG (221 KB) Black-tailed-Godwit.JPG (109 KB) Black-winged-Stilts.JPG (207 KB)
Ashy-crowned Sparrow-lark Unknown Black-headed Ibis Black Robin Black-tailed Godwit Black-winged Stilts

Blue-tailed-Bee-eater.JPG (84 KB)

Green-Bee-eater.JPG (139 KB)

Chestnut-headed Bee-eater-1.JPG (147 KB)

Chestnut-headed-Bee-eater.JPG (88 KB)

cormorants.JPG (206 KB)

Cormorant.JPG (118 KB)

Indian-Darter.JPG (95 KB)
Blue-tailed Bee-eater Green Bee-eater Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Cormorants Cormorant Indian Darter

Great-Thick-knee.JPG (214 KB)

Hoopoe.JPG (144 KB)

Green-Parakeet.JPG (92 KB)

Grey-Heron.JPG (133 KB)

Eurasian-Spoonbill.JPG (111 KB)

Egrets.JPG (207 KB)

Jungle-Fowl.JPG (242 KB)
Great Thick-knee Hoopoe Green Parakeet Grey Heron Eurasian Spoonbill Egrets Jungle Fowl

Kingfisher.JPG (154 KB)

Open-billed-Stork.JPG (77 KB)

Open-billed-Stork-1.JPG (174 KB)

Whistling-Teal-and-Sandpiper.JPG (204 KB)

Pelican.JPG (214 KB)

Painted-Stork-2.JPG (127 KB)

Painted-Stork-1.JPG (208 KB)
Kingfisher Open-billed Stork Open-billed Stork Whistling Teal & Sandpiper Pelican Painted Stork Painted Stork

Pond-Heron.JPG (214 KB)

Peahen.JPG (185 KB)

peacock-1.JPG (209 KB)

peacock.JPG (231 KB)

Purple-Swamphen.JPG (230 KB)

Purple-Swamphen-1.JPG (184 KB)
Pond Heron Peahen Peacock Peacock Purple Swamphen Purple Swamphen

Richards-pipit.JPG (110 KB)

Rosy-Starling.JPG (164 KB)

Wooly-necked-Stork.JPG (146 KB)

Purple-Sunbird.JPG (109 KB)

Red-wattled-Lapwing.JPG (203 KB)

Yellow-wattled-Lapwing.JPG (147 KB)

Yellow-billed-Babbler.JPG (115 KB)
Richards Pipit Rosy Starling Wooly-necked Stork Purple Sunbird Red-wattled Lapwing Yellow-wattled Lapwing Yellow-billed Babbler