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San Juan, Puerto Rico

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180 Street Scene With Blue Bricks.JPG (52 KB) 190 Street.JPG (45 KB) 290 Blue Bricks and Dorothy.JPG (54 KB) 170 Fort San Cristobal Cannon And View Through Opening.JPG (60 KB) 270 Fort San Cristobal D-D.JPG (61 KB) 275 Fort San Cristobal D-D.JPG (49 KB) 265 Fort San Cristobal.JPG (40 KB)
Galleon Ballast Old San Juan Old San Juan San Cristobal San Cristobal San Cristobal San Cristobal

177 San Cristobal Fort.JPG (46 KB)

260 D-D Looking At Cannon at San Cristobal.JPG (60 KB)

175 From Fort San Cristobal Looking Towards El Morro.JPG (53 KB)

160 El Morro Fort With Hilary.JPG (55 KB)

150 El Morro Fort With Cannon Stands.JPG (54 KB)

165 Graveyard Looking Towards El Morro.JPG (63 KB)
San Cristobal San Cristobal View Towards El Morro El Morro El Morro Graveyard