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Nina, Hnin, Jerry, Miranda, Yamon and Nay Kyaw


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Here we are with another set of Burmese relatives. Miranda is Lawrence's sister and Danny's aunt on his father's side. Yamon Thant Sin is her older daughter, married to Nay Kyaw. Hnin Pwint Aye is Miranda's younger daughter. We had two lovely dinners with these relatives. The first, when we arrived in Yangon, was a special "hot pot" meal where we all cooked our food in large pots of hot soup in the middle of the table. The second, when we returned from the north, was at the Golden Duck Restaurant where this photograph was taken by a waiter. This meal had several delicious courses and was served in high style in a very modern restaurant with a spectacular view of the Shwedagon Paya in the background. Yamon is a doctor in a teaching hospital and Hnin has received her medical degree too but has not yet received a posting. This was a very talented and friendly group and we enjoyed spending a couple of evenings with them.