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Penang Photos by Hilary in 2007

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2152 Penang Our first Bus in sideview mirror.JPG (79 KB) 2154 Penang Ferry Traffic.JPG (136 KB) 2178 Reflections in Van Back Window.JPG (102 KB) 2210 Kitten Outside Carpenters Guild Loo Pun Hong.JPG (110 KB) 2199 Inside Carpenters Guild Loo Pun Hung.JPG (118 KB) 2219 Bougainvilla Outside Buildings.JPG (122 KB) 2221 Bougainvilla in Motorcycle Mirror.JPG (105 KB)
Our First Bus Ferry Traffic Reflections Kitten Carpenters Guild Bougainvillaea Bougainvillaea
2268 Teksi Sign.JPG (85 KB) 2280 Sunbrellas.JPG (126 KB) 2223 Kids Behind Barred Door.JPG (92 KB) 2250 Cyclist with Packages.JPG (74 KB) 2316 Fort Cornwallis Fertility Fauxtobooth.JPG (279 KB) 2318 Fort Cornwallis Artist.JPG (117 KB) 2337 Truck Load of Drinking Nuts.JPG (155 KB)
Teksi Sunbrellas Kids at Home Packages Fertility Artist Drinking Nuts
2186 View from Hotel Window.JPG (137 KB) 2187 Fruit Stall.JPG (159 KB) 2254 Broken Mailbox 13.JPG (115 KB) 2340 Pandanus Grasshoppers For Sale Penang Hill.JPG (77 KB) 2374 Old House Going Down Jeep Track.JPG (91 KB) 2358 Paintings in Old House Going Down Jeep Track.JPG (137 KB) 2377 Hilary Reflection in Circular Mirror Penang Hill.JPG (152 KB)
From Hotel Window Fruit Stall P.O. Box 13 Grasshoppers Unoccupied House Paintings on Wall Hilary