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Cat Island

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Sunrise.JPG (157 KB) Anchorage.JPG (159 KB) RuinedChurch.JPG (103 KB) Beach.JPG (146 KB) ComoHill.JPG (144 KB)
Sunrise Anchorage Church Beach Como Hill

MtAlvernia.JPG (162 KB)

Hermitage4.JPG (92 KB)

Hermitage3.JPG (52 KB)

Hermitage6.JPG (112 KB)

Ceramic.JPG (58 KB)

Hermitage5.JPG (98 KB)

Hermitage7.JPG (165 KB)
Mt Alvernia Stations of Cross Tower Climber Hermitage Ceramic Plaque Chapel Evening View

HiddenTreasures.JPG (105 KB)

Denice.JPG (47 KB)

LegalWeapon.JPG (149 KB)

Ani.JPG (110 KB)

Sunset.JPG (167 KB)
"Hidden Treasures" Denice "Legal Weapon" Smooth-billed Ani Sunset