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Bowen to Laura, 2001

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Bowen Festival 1.JPG (66 KB) Bowen Festival 2.JPG (69 KB) Bowen Festival 3.JPG (44 KB) Bowen Festival 4.JPG (75 KB) Bowen Festival 5.JPG (65 KB)
Billycart Racer Billycart Racer Tug-a-Bus Tug-a-Truck Parade Camel
Dunk Anchorage.JPG (33 KB) Dunk Island.JPG (71 KB) Daintree Ferry.JPG (53 KB) Tully River Gorge.JPG (79 KB) Cook statue in Cooktown.JPG (211 KB)
Dunk Island Dunk Island Daintree Ferry Tully Gorge Captain Cook
Cooktown.JPG (99 KB) Cooktown Anchorage.JPG (56 KB) Aboriginal Paintings.JPG (39 KB) Our Holden.JPG (65 KB) Tinny Farewell.JPG (66 KB)
Cook Plaque Cooktown Aboriginal Art Our Holden Tinny Farewell