Summary of 1997

January - February: Trinidad Carnival lasts from Christmas to Lent, and this year we did it all. We loved Calypsos, Steel Bands, jazz, the array of "old time" characters, and mas camps, but not Soca. We put on costumes and danced through the streets all night on Jouvert, then watched the big parades & competitions. Enjoyed the extravagant hilltop wedding of "Glen Farr" cruisers Don & Lynda. Nina got clothes and sandals custom-made. After 8 months in Trinidad, sailed to Grenada and then the Grenadines, in strong trade winds.

March: A quick trip back up the Windward and Leeward islands. Enjoyed wine and food in Martinique, explored around Antigua & Barbuda. In St. Maarten visited Margaret & A.G. on "Jeanne II."

April: British Virgin Islands where we had Hilary on board for a week. Snorkeled. Watched Hale- Bopp Comet. Sailed 4 days & 360 miles to Luperon, Dominican Republic. With Ken & Betty on "Liberator" cruised through the Caicos and into the Bahamas.

May: Mayaguana was fun. Had fine sails all up through the Bahamian islands. Really enjoyed the Abacos, so near the US but still great cruising. Had good luck fishing all year. Saw dolphins and/or whales on all long passages.

June: Waited for weather, then sailed straight from Abacos to New Hampshire, spending 10 days on the 1050- nautical mile voyage. Really enjoyed this longest voyage to date, but hated getting out the woollies and foul-weather raincoats needed once into cold water north of Hatteras.

July - October: Boat work added up to a major refit & lots of new equipment. Visited relatives and friends, and only regret that we couldn't visit more people and stay longer. The summer vanished before we could see everyone and do everything we wanted in New England. Winter is a hard deadline, but we did escape before the frost and snow.

November - December: Nice sail (& playing bridge) to New Bedford with Jerry's Dad & Mom. North Atlantic storms made us detour down the U.S. coast to Beaufort, North Carolina. Slipped between gales, past Bermuda to trade winds, stopping after 2000 miles in sunny Barbados. Wonderful passage, especially in the end! Finished the year back in Trinidad. Next year, Westward!