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Yala National Park

Click on a thumbnail to see the photo enlarged

entrance.JPG (188 KB) Spotted-Deer.JPG (189 KB) stag.JPG (216 KB) Leopard-1.JPG (156 KB) Leopard-2.JPG (142 KB) pointing.JPG (196 KB)
Park Entrance Spotted Deer Stag Leopard Leopard Look! Look!

Tusker.JPG (132 KB)

Sambar.JPG (206 KB)

Katagamue.JPG (168 KB)

Oriole-nests.JPG (225 KB)

lizard.JPG (237 KB)

Elephant.JPG (128 KB)
Tusker Sambar Katagamue Oriole Nests Monitor Lizard Elephant

baby-buffalo.JPG (203 KB)

sunset.JPG (143 KB)

treehouse.JPG (103 KB)

egg-hoppers.JPG (200 KB)

buffalo-curd.JPG (194 KB)
Baby Buffalo Sunset Treehouse Egg Hoppers Buffalo Curd