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Bagan Details

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IzaGwanarelief2.JPG (105 KB) IzaGwanarelief1.JPG (112 KB) Vishnu.JPG (99 KB) frieze.JPG (198 KB) Nat.JPG (106 KB) DragonStation.JPG (78 KB) VendorStands.JPG (60 KB)
Iza Gwana Iza Gwana Vishnu Laymyethnar Nat on Hintha Dragon Station Vendor Stands

Nandamannya.JPG (101 KB)

NanPaya.JPG (143 KB)

Nagayon mural.JPG (221 KB)

Library.JPG (41 KB)

unusualBuddha.JPG (180 KB)

waterpusher.JPG (170 KB)

CarryingFood.JPG (103 KB)
Nandamannya Brahma & Lotus Nagayon Mural Documenters Shirtless Buddha Water Pusher Food Carriers

black lacquer.JPG (111 KB)

lacquerwareshop.JPG (104 KB)

SalesSlip.JPG (94 KB)

ClayPots.JPG (67 KB)

baskets.JPG (197 KB)

SandPaintings.JPG (62 KB)

vendors.JPG (88 KB)
Black Lacquer Old Couple's Shop Writing Sales Slip Clay Pots Baskets Up Sand Paintings Pesky Vendors